Malaysia Healthcare Chronicles

Despite the increasing number of cancer cases every year, scientists still haven’t found the causes, and more importantly, the cure for cancer. It’s no surprise that people are terrified of being diagnosed with this seemingly deadly disease.

When cancer is caught in its early stages, the overall prognosis for the patient is usually quite good. Now comes the question, how do we know it’s cancer?

One of the most important things to do is to pay attention to your health. Any changes in your health may be indicative of a larger problem.

You can get tested for cancer markers in your DNA, but that doesn’t mean you have cancer, only that you have a higher chance of developing this disease.

As a result, you need to be constantly aware of your health and body to catch the possible warning signs of cancer.

Frequent urination doesn’t necessarily mean you’re incontinent. It may also indicate that you are having urinary tract infection. If you find yourself going to the toilet to relieve yourself often and the quantity is little, bloody, or perhaps it hurts when you urinate, it may be the early warning signs of cancer in the bladder.

Colorectal cancer is one of the more common cancers that occur across Asia. It’s not easily noticeable at first because cancer symptoms, like constant gas or cramps, are similar to gastritis. However, sudden changes in bowel movement, or blood in the stool can be a method for cancer indication.

Although more women develop breast cancer, more men die from the disease because they don’t think they can get breast cancer. Changes in the texture of the skin, inverted nipples, and the presence of lumps may reflect the initial warning signs of cancer in the breast.

Men are at risk for prostate and testicular cancer after the age of 40. Most do not think it to be necessary or are too embarrassed to go to a doctor to check their prostate and testicles. Difficulty urinating or maintaining an erection are actually a few of the symptoms linked to these cancers.

Few people associate fingernails with lung cancer indication, but weakening fingernails are one of the symptoms, especially among smokers. Other cancer symptoms include constant shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing.

Sudden changes in the texture or lumpiness on your skin may be the warning signs of cancer. It may start out as a shiny red patch that slowly develops into a bump. It may look like nothing at first, or you may even think that it’s an ingrown hair, but the pink lump may indicate the start of skin cancer especially if it’s on an area constantly exposed to the sun.

The multitude of cancer symptoms listed can seem terrifying, but they don’t necessarily mean you have the disease. These symptoms often overlap with other problems as well.

Nonetheless, people especially those with a family history of cancer, should be aware of these cancer symptoms. Don’t feel shy or silly to ask about getting tested for cancer, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

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